Thursday, July 10, 2008


0612 字源學

課本pp.192-193(9-10課講義)未上完, 記得帶書與講義

預告: 0619星期四為本梯次字源學最後一次上課, 7-8月課程已經貼在網頁,

7-8月週四晚上的字源學VI, 範圍是課本最前三分之ㄧ:常用希臘字根

7-8月間專為大三大四與研究生開設密集班, 時間為週一三五下午. 全本
課本加上補充講義, 暑假一口氣上完. 詳細日期與時間請留意青服社資

老師在暑假也會開高級文法密集班, 時間為週二四下午, 這是老師最後一
次開文法班. 詳細日期與時間請留意青服社資訊.

必須有一定人數才能開課, 請提前大大告知同學.同事, 好友, 把握機會.

p. 192

luc (cf. Greek: photo)
lucid lucimeter lucent lucency elucidate elucidation elucidator
translucent(cf. transparent—root: bring forth)
noctiluca (firefly) noctilucent noctilucous

Latin: noct (night)
nocturia nocturne nocturnal (nocturnal fasting; nocturnal emission; nocturnal animals) noctiflorous noctambulant(a.) noctambulist

Greek: nyct (night)
nyctalgia nyctanthous nyctalopia nyctophobia
luminferous luminize luminous liminary(n) luminal(art)
illuminate illumination illuminated illuminating illuminator
p. 192
omni (all cf. Greek: pan)
omnipotent omnipotence omniscient omniscience
omnipresent omnipresence omnibeneolent omnibenevolence
omnimalevolent omnivolenence omnivore omnivorous

poten (Latin: ability, power)
potent potency impotent omnipotent potential plenipotentiary

scien(Latin: knowledge)
science scientist conscience conscientious omniscient nescient
political science social sciences behavior sciences

vore, vorous (cf. Greek. phagy, phagus, phagous p.12)
carni--- herbi---- pani---- grani--- frugi--- gramini --- flori---- lingi- arbori-- cani---- feli---- api---- avi---- bovi---- ovi----- pisci-- equi---- ophi--- --- anasi— galli-- porci---
insecti--- sangui--- homi---(anthropophagous)

---acious ----acity

omni hora (every hour) omni nocte (every night)
omnia vanitas (all is vanity)

Less Common Latin Roots 11-15

reg rig rect (straight right correct rule ruler king)
regicide regime regimen regiment regimental regimentation regent regal regnant regnum (interregnum p.168) regius (Regius professor of Latin, Regius Version of the English Bible—King James) region regional regionalism

regular irregular regulate regulator regulation deregulate

right(to life, to work, to die) righteous rightist
rigid rigidify rigidity rigor rigorous rigorist rigor mortis
corrigible incorrigible

rectify rectifier rectitude rectum(cf. colon) rectangle erect erective erectile dysfunction erection correct(a vt vi) incorrect corrective

resurrect(back to upright from below—from the dead) resurrection resurrectionism

resurge resurgent resurgence (rise again) insurgent insurgency
resuscitate resuscitation resuscitator (rouse back to move)

Rex(King) George Regina(Queen)Victoria Rex Oedipus
regnant populi--motto of Arkansas: the people rule
rex regum : king of kings
recta linea: straight line
recte est: all is well; everything is all right
recto folio: right-hand page cf. verso folio
rector: ruler, director
Homo erectus Homo sapiens Homo mobilis
p. 194

sequ secut sec sue suit (follow, watch closely)
sequel sequent sequacious sequential sequence
sequela (medical term) consequent consequently inconsequent consequential inconsequential consequence subsequent subsequential subsequence obsequious obsequent obsequence

second secondary

consecutive consecution persecute persecution persecutor
prosecute prosecution prosecutor

execute executor execution executive

pursue(follow forward) pursuit ensue suite suit

bedroom with bathroom en suite (in sequence)
follow suit

a rule of thumb
thumb index finger middle finger ring finger little finger

Sequor non inferior (follower but not inferior)
secundum legem: according to law
secundum naturam: according to nature; naturally
secundum regulam: according to rule
secundum usum: according to usage
p. 195

son (cf. Latin: voc p.148; Greek: phone)
sonic subsonic supersonic ultrasonic sterosonic
soniferous (p.148 fer) sonometer sonograph
sonar (sound navigation ranging)
unison unisonant consonance consonant dissonance dissonant
resonance resonant resonate resonator

soniferous metalliferous auriferous platinifer argentiferous cupriferous ferriferous aluminiferous fossilifer oleiferous (petroleum) carboniferous herbiferous carniferous frugiferous floriferous lingiferous graniferous febriferous aquifer aquiferous auriferous pestiferous melliferous gypsiferous sudoriferous odoriferous aromatiferous thurifer saliferous salutiferous proliferous lactiferous vociferous luminiferous somniferous

sonus dulcis: beautiful, sweet, pleasant sound
idem sonans: sound alike
p. 195

strict string strain strait (cf. nect: tie bind) stress
strict stricture restrict restricted restriction
constrict constrictive district distress

string stringent stringency astringent(n a) astringency(n)
stringer (journalist) constringe constringent constringency

strain restrain restraint constrain constraint

strait(n a) straiten straitjacket(n v) straitlace(v n) straitlaced

stricto sensu (in a strict sense)
lato sensu (in a broad sense)
p. 196

tact tang ting tig tag
tact tactile tactility tactual tactometer contact(n v) intact(a)
tactful tactless tactical tactic tactics tactician

tangle tangled tanglement entangle
tangent(only touch the surface, not the main subject, not to the point) tangent tangency tangent line tangent plane (geometry)
tangible tangibility intangible
contingent (n a) contingent fee be contingent on(depend on)
contingency (fund, plan reserve)

contiguous contiguity

contagion contagious contagiosity

cf. stinct stinguish (quench)
extinct extinguish (quench out)

cf. tinct tinguish (separate)
distinct distinguish (separate apart)
tangere ulcus: touch a sore

Less Common Latin Roots 16-20

ten tin tain (grasp, hold, take)

tenable untenable tenacious tenacity tenure tenant tenancy

continue(hold together, hold as one) continuity continuous
continent continence incontinent incontinence
continental intercontinental content contents (n) content (a)

contain(hold together, hold with) container contain containment contained containable containerize

abstain(away from hold) abstinent abstinence abstention
maintain(hold with hand) maintenance
obtain (hold toward) obtainment obtaining by deception
attain((hold toward) attainment attainable
retain ((hold back) retainable retention
suffering from retention of urine or faeces
sustain (hold from below) sustainable sustention sustenance
detain (hold and take away) detention detention center
captain (hold the head)

tens tend tent (strive, struggle, stretch)
tense tension intensive intensify hypertension hypotension
tensiometry tensiometer tensity

tend tendency tendon
intend (v) intent (n a)) intention letter of intent
attend attendant attendance attention attentive
contend contender contention contentious
extend(v) extension extensive extent(n)
distend distended distension distention
pretend pretension pretended pretender pretentious pretence

tentacle tentacular tentaculoid tentaculiferous

tent pitch one’s tent tentbed tent city tentmaker
tent pole
p. 198

tenu (thin cf. dens: thick)
tenuous tenuousness tenuously
tenuity (of a hair, of the air, of voice, of his intelligence)
attenuate(v a) attenuation attenuated attenuant(a, chemical n)
extenuate extenuating extenuation extenuatory

cf. lati, eury = wide, broad;
plati, platy =flat, plain
steno = narrow, in a short time, in a short range
tenu, gracil = thin, slander; lepto= thin and long
dens, pachy = thick, fat crass= rough rude

euryphagous eurycephalic eurystomatous euryphyllous
eurythermal euryhygric eurytopic

latitude latitudinarianism
platform plate platitude platter platypodia platyrrhine platycephaly

stenophagous stenophyllous stenography stenographer stenotherm
stenohygric stenomorph

gracile gracility cf. grace graceful (pleasing)
leptocephalic leptodactyl leptophyllous

dense density densiometry densitometer densify
pachyderm pachydermatous pachycephalosaur
crassitude crass crass ignorance crass remarks
tract trail train (draw, pull, lead)
tractor traction tractable intractable in traction

abstract(a n) abstract(v) abstracted abstraction
abstractionism (pull away)
attract attractive attraction attractant (a, n) (pull toward)

contract(n) contract (v) contraction contracted contractive
contractor subcontractor contracture (medical term) (pull together)

detract detraction detractive (draw down)
distract distraction distracted distracter (pull apart)

extract(n) extract (v) extractible extraction extractor
extractor fan (draw out)

protract protracted protraction (draw forward)
retract retraction retractable irretractable (pull back)

train (n vt vi) training
a train of ideas the general and his train training camp
trainmaster trainload

trail trailer trailer camp trailer home trail net
p.199 Easter Christmas Good Friday Passion Resurrection Assumption

ver (truth, reality)
verdict very veritable verify verification verifiable
verisimilitude verisimilar verity
Bae Yongjong is the very man many women in forty something
desire to hold in arms.

Mary did get get married with the very man she loved.
No bargaining anymore, this is the very floor price.

cf. fal, fals, pseudo=wrong, fake, false
fallacy fallacious infallible falsehood falsify falsifier falsification Papal infallibility vs. Biblical infallibility
pseudonym pseudoscience pseudo(false) pregnancy pseudomorph

veritas: truth
veritas vincit: truth conquers
veritas omnia vincit: truth conquers everything
veritas temporis filias: truth is the daughter of time
0619 上課內容

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